The Introduction.

There are many people on this earth who writing comes easily to. Ones who touch their pen to paper, and the world’s most beautiful prose flows onto the lines. I’m not sure if I’m one of these people. I mean, I know I can write well, and I can tell great stories – but I’ve never given a thought to writing these stories down and allowing the word to read them. 

I have only just recently began my time at a “real” college, after two years at a community college. I’ve got big plans for myself, and I personally think that I’ve got a lot of interesting things to say, so a blog seems like the perfect thing for me. However, in my travels around the internet, I’ve noticed one major thing in the realm of collegiate blogs – most female writers are painfully straight. 

With these two major points in mind, this blog came to fruition. A lesbian’s perspective on the experiences that she decides to undergo in college. Be it relationships, sorority life, strongly worded letters, or just a stereotypical bitch fit – it’ll all be written down here, once a week or more (depending on the stories I collect throughout the week).

So, gentle readers…please bear with me. This is going to be a long, bumpy ride, and I hope you enjoy my stories as I struggle through life at a gigantic university.